By Sarah McGregor , Published on June 6th, 2021
About 70 percent of Americans suffer from headaches on a regular basis. The causes can be of various kinds,
ranging from too little fluid intake to stress and incorrect nutrition.
In most cases, the triggers are relatively harmless, but if the headache lasts for several weeks
or is almost unbearable, a doctor should be consulted.

Taking over-the-counter painkillers is quickly done, but should not be done lightly and above
all not too often. Painkillers do not heal and they do not eliminate the cause of the headache.
They numb the pain for a certain time. Because the headache is a warning signal from the body,
it is not advisable to simply block it permanently.
In the long run, taking painkillers can even aggravate the headache problem.
That’s why we have looked around in granny’s medicine chest and have put together effective
home remedies to relieve headaches, some of which are even suitable for prevention.
1. Cinnamon
Mix one teaspoon of finely ground cinnamon with one teaspoon of water and apply the mixture to the forehead.
2. Peppermint oil
Peppermint prevents the body from sending pain signals to the central nervous system. Put a few drops of peppermint essential oil on your fingers and massage it into the skin at the temples. Peppermint oil works very quickly and reliably. Do not rub into the eyes!
3. Willow bark extract
The bark contains the substance salicin, one of which served as a template for the active ingredient in aspirin. Willow bark extract is available in pharmacies both as capsules for ingestion and as a powder for over-brew.
4. Drink water
A common cause of headaches is insufficient fluid intake. Therefore, the first measure should be to drink water. It is best to drink two large glasses of still water, ideally with a high magnesium content.
5. Mineral earth
Mineral earth absorbs harmful substances from food, as well as environmental toxins and the body’s own harmful
metabolic products. It can be used internally and externally.
Internally: Take one teaspoon of mineral earth with a large glass of water. The interval to a meal should
be one hour and it should not be taken more than three times a day.
Externally: Apply liquid mineral earth about the thickness of a finger to a piece of kitchen paper and
fold it so that it can be comfortably placed on the forehead.
6. Acupressure
Traditional Chinese medicine is based on countless energy pathways that run through our body. Pain occurs when the energy flow is disturbed in any way. At certain points the energy channels can be stimulated so that they can flow freely again. Then the pain should also disappear. There is a lot of information about this on the Internet.
7. Ginger
Ginger can stop a developing migraine right at the beginning and alleviate the symptoms of an already existing migraine. To do this, grate a piece of ginger root about 1cm in size and mix it with 200ml fruit juice. Take this drink once a day. For acute symptoms, a piece of ginger root can be chewed.
8. Alternating showers
This is also a trick to relieve migraines. The water should be as hot or as cold as you can stand. Perform the hot and cold shower for five minutes each and then change it again and again. After only 20 minutes you should already notice an improvement. Positive thoughts help.
Ginger can stop a developing migraine right at the beginning and alleviate the symptoms of an already existing migraine. To do this, grate a piece of ginger root about 1cm in size and mix it with 200ml fruit juice. Take this drink once a day. For acute symptoms, a piece of ginger root can be chewed.
9. Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can restore the acid-base balance and is therefore also good for preventing headaches. Mix two tablespoons of apple vinegar with a glass of water and drink it immediately in case of acute complaints, once a day as prevention.
10. Vanilla
Eugenol, the essential oil contained in vanilla, has antiseptic and pain-relieving properties, and also helps to clear blocked blood vessels. Take one teaspoon of natural vanilla extract with a glass of water regularly in the evening. This is said to relieve headaches overnight and to make them disappear completely after a few days.
Closing Words
In order to avoid headaches in the first place, a healthy lifestyle is of course recommended. This includes, as always, drinking enough, getting enough sleep, resting (as little stress as possible), eating a healthy diet, exercise, and fresh air.