By Frank Wilson, Published on April 25th, 2021
Most men are familiar with the symptoms of prostate enlargement, but they do not always listen to their body as they should. If a man suffers from the following symptoms, it could be the result of a prostate enlargement.
- Increased urinary pressure
- Nocturnal urination
- Reduced pressure of the urinary stream
A doctor should always be consulted for these symptoms. An enlarged prostate can be treated!
However, if it will not be treated, the enlargement progresses to such an extent that the urinary tract can be blocked, urine is no longer excreted and the body is poisoned. This leads to death!
So don’t be ashamed and go to the doctor – or send your husband to the doctor if you notice such symptoms or concluding behaviour in him. This is absolutely normal, from the age of 60 onwards it affects almost half of all men!
The more early you go to the doctor, the better you can be helped, because the further the disease progresses, the more complicated the treatment of prostate enlargement becomes and the more the problems increase. The following treatment options are possible:
Herbal Remedies For Prostate Diseases
There are also herbal remedies that can help with prostate problems. Please do not buy any herbal remedies from the internet, because if in doubt, you will only lose your money and not your complaints…
- Nettle roots
- Saw palmetto extract
- Rye pollen
- Pumpkin seeds
These healing plants can also be used in combination or as extracts.
There are some remedies available in stores, but you can also chew pumpkin seeds in this way,
as they taste very good as a snack.
As these are natural remedies, no dosage recommendation is available.
Each company has a different formula or concentration in its extracts,
so there is no general recommendation. Try out what works best for you and your complaints!
However, it has only been proven that, for example, with the extract or substances
from saw palmetto, only the complaints can be effectively relieved,
but not the further enlargement of the prostate can be stopped.
This means that saw palmetto, like other herbal remedies,
can help to reduce the nightly urge to go to the toilet or make urination more comfortable.
Extracts from saw palmetto are therefore not suitable for slowing down the progression
of the symptoms, and are usually only effective in the initial phases.
Surgery For Prostate Enlargement
An surgery may be considered in specific cases and only if all other treatments
have not led to an improvement of the situation. During an operation,
either part of the rampant tissue is removed or destroyed in such a way that
it can no longer cause any additional problems.
Since such a treatment, like any operation, involves certain risks,
other methods should definitely be consulted before an operation is attempted.
There are many different ways to do this and your doctor will explain them to you
if it should come to that.

Another method is the insertion of so-called stents, which ensure the outflow of urine despite prostate enlargement. But since such stents also entail some potential risks and usually cannot be used on a permanent basis, these procedures are a last option that is usually only used for a short time.
All Natural Supplements
Fortunately, there are some very good and long tested dietary supplements that slow down and even alleviate this swelling and counteract enlargement. We recommend Vital Flow, which is a completely natural food supplement without chemicals and fillers. It improves hormonal balance, controls inflammation, betters urination and therefore it supports your sexual health.
How Can Prostate Enlargement Be Prevented?
From a statistical point of view, the risk of suffering from prostate enlargement
grows with increasing body weight. Normal weight is absolutely desirable not only
in relation to the prostate, but also in view of overall health.
Furthermore, it helps as a preventative measure to always drink enough non-calorie drinks.
Also smoking does not only increase the risk of prostate problems.
If you have a healthy lifestyle, a normal weight, do not smoke and see your doctor early enough,
prostate enlargement should no longer be a major life limitation.